CityDiaries signature notebooks have been featured in the ADI DESIGN INDEX 2022

The CityDiaries signature notebooks for special travellers designed by Martì Guixè have been featured in the ADI DESIGN INDEX 2022, the annual selection of the best of Italian design, and it is eligible for the next Compasso d'Oro Award - the XXVIII - which will take place in 2024.
They are high quality notebooks, with a minimalist aesthetic, dedicated to the cities of the world.
Starting from the map of each city, Martì Guixè manages to synthesize its specific form and draw a new, abstract and iconic map.
This creative effort of "cartographic synthesis" reveals the singularity of each city and we recognize Paris, Rome, New York, Berlin from the few marks on the cover.
A demonstration of the originality of designer Guixè's creative vision that here is best matched with Palomar's cartographic vocation.